第175章 特殊情况 (第1/2页)


What we need to do now is to prepare the material to make the surprise for the baby. It will take some time to prepare the material, but the baby will be very happy after seeing it.


However, the material preparation is fast, mainly the process, but it is full of patience, otherwise.But the material preparation is fast, mainly the process, but it is full of patience, otherwise. Iron peony would not be so precious.


Already can imagine the little baby to see the finished product, after the happy and joyful mood, after all, the little baby is very easy to move, occasionally tease their own little baby mood is more pleasant and fortable.


All right, he\u0027s going to work. To win the baby\u0027s heart better, he has to start with every little thing. It seems that this is a





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